When someone is done smoking a cigarette, they toss the still lit butt at you, thus the "shooting star" effect. The usual aim for this is to either burn a hole in your clothes or have it go down your shirt without you noticing. Usually, unless they're real bastards, they will shout "shooting star" to give you a warning about what they're about to do.
Johnathan gave me a shooting star yesterday, effectively burning a hole in my new trench coat. He's fucking going down.
by Janis March 28, 2005
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Swirling a used condom around and releasing it at great speed towards someone. This creates a shooting star effect
I had a posh wank on the airplane and sent a shooting star down the aisle
by Eddy The Hero July 21, 2008
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when you're jacking off in complete darkness, you finish the deed and the semen that shoots off illuminates in the dark, looking like a shooting star in the night sky
Damn, that shooting star hit my wall.
by wowser77 October 5, 2009
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A variation on the act of Fisting which requires the Fister fully open their hand while inserted into the Fisty.
While fingering Sally's butthole the other night I slipped her a Shooting Star. That bitch ain't going to shit right for a week!
by Larry the Fister February 4, 2009
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burnt weed that falls to the floor when you blow it out the pipe.
Justine: (blows the pipe before cleaning it)
Rio: Dude can you pick up those shooting stars that fell on the floor?

Justine: sure babe, sorry !
by velvetierio August 30, 2019
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When a shorty has a tattoo of a star on the tip of his penis and he cums. The cum shoots out of the star.
Damnnnnn, did u just see the shooting star he unloaded on her face?
by pig animal July 18, 2009
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when you're about to blow your load and you tell the chick you want to blow it on her face. just as you let loose, you aim your dick up and blow it straight over her head and onto her back, all while yelling, "make a wish bitch!"
"I gave her the best shooting star ever last night!"

"Did her wish come true?"

"Well if it was that I wouldn't blow my load on her face then it did."
by mcguyski89 August 14, 2012
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