An expletive used when you are so pissed off that you can't actually think of something to say.
Bob: Dude, that tornado just blew your house down.

Dave: Fucking Shit Titties!
by Auto Ass-rammer 5000 June 16, 2019
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An extremly fun phrase to say. It can be used in many ways as it does not have a real definition. It can be something you call someone, or just a random exclamation.
1) a. Hey there Shit Titty Fucker!
b. Ahh! You're such a Shit Titty Fucker

2) a. (gets hit) Ow! Shit titty fucker!!!
by JamalJJames February 15, 2011
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Not a real thing. Something that you make Amanda’s believe is a cool/modern phrase or slang for something that slaps. Or is fire. It is banging.

But I’m reality, not actually used by any person... EVER!
Hey bruh bruh. Did you hear that I convinced another Amanda that “slap the shit out of my titties” is something that young people use as slang for fire! How gullible!!!!
by SchtevieDeezNutz November 11, 2020
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thee ultimate in foul language, no one can respond to this or just something you say before your about to kick someone's fuckin teeth in but you have to look real mad for it to work
i love talkin shit to people

you better stop "GLARE" or else

aahh!!! Fuck Shit Cock Ass Titti Boner Bitch Muff Pussy Cock Butthole Barbra Streisand

uuhhh thsorry i cannt tolk
by Suicidal Alcazar July 28, 2009
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An individual who shits when he fucks, loves titties and has a cock of any size.
Wow, he’s a real shit fuck titty cock.
by KingDoucheCanoe January 28, 2018
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A literal or metaphorical term expressing a range of possible emotions, including fear of anger.
I shit my titties preparing for my interview.
M was so annoyed, she shit her titties.
Ah, go shit your titties.
by Clouds of Magellan December 11, 2020
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A literal or metaphorical term that can be used for a variety of purposes, including an expression of anger or fear.
I shit my titties preparing for my interview.
M was so annoyed, she shit her titties.
Ah, go shit your titties.
by Clouds of Magellan December 10, 2020
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