the act of texting, rather than talking especially at work, on the phone about nonsensical stuff and the on-goings of life while taking a shit.
Dude, I had so much stuff to do at the work today but I had to drop a line and figured I would kill two birds with one stone and just shit-chat with ya!
by Eyeball Ray August 5, 2011
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When someone is bored while taking a shit so they text you, but once they're done shitting they're not interested in talking to you anymore.
Person One (on shitter) sends shit chat text: Hey man.
Person Two text: Hey, what up?
Person One (done shitting): never replies
by i'mcuttingedge July 19, 2015
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The act of stealthily chatting with people on your laptop or phone, whilst taking a shit.
Jenni: Hey boyfriend, what are you doing right now?

Justine: I'm not shit chatting, if that's what you mean.

Jenni: OMG! What was that "plunk" sound??? It's over, you f***ing pig!
by iconoguy December 12, 2009
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Basically just when somebody talks shit about someone or multiple peoples with someone else.
i walked in on my mom shitchatting with my grandma about how ratchet she is.

Girls who Shit Chat. obviously have nothing better to do.
by the buggg October 19, 2012
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1. To say something that is complete bollocks.
2. To say something while under the influence of either drugs or alcohol that is either unintelligable or is the above.
1. 'Eminem is an excellent rapper'
'You're chatting shit mate'
2. 'Frgh me ghracg uihiuh bhgh'
by adi bull February 12, 2004
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A saying to someone who is talking rubbish.

Originates from Widnes, North-West England.
"I had a date with a a fit bird last night" says roy.
"Chat Shit" replies Jim.
by gypsy dave March 29, 2008
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Someone or something:
*bending the truth.
*taking the piss.
*spreading rumours about close friends.

Chattin shit is usually a hereditory desease that is often brought on by the chatters own descretion. If this is a common thing, then it is known as a chattin disorder. A chattin signal with the hand can also be delivered at the same time. "Self chat" occurs when a person chats shit about themselves, usually purposely
Examples of chatting shit include:
Heppell reckoning timberlands are all sold out in leeds.
Shagging Fat birds.
Sexual deviances on the dance floor.
Urban Dictionary taking 14 weeks to check a submission.
Heppell: "lets go in this bar, its open till 2".
Basically Yeppell in general.
Rich moving to birmingham for the same job.
Steve chat.
Northy: "I just had sex outside amnesia!"
Northy: "I pulled 15 girls tonight"
Rich: "Here have our chips, you're crazy guys!"
Rich: "I'm gona buy clothes in ibiza, theyre cheaper"
by Beester January 20, 2006
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