A reprehensible person with no morals and holds no regard for anyone but him/herself.
A prime example is the English footballer John Terry a truly disgusting human being a total scumbag.
by sillybeggar November 19, 2012
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A person of low judgement and no class.
At karls wedding, the scumbag (s) alex and brennan drank multiple beers in the basement. (being scumbags) scummin around in the basement.
by scumbag69 May 4, 2015
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Someone who is so disgusting you cant even handle it. A dirty person. Someone who is a liar, cheater and or a theif
Josh has had so many STDs, what a scumbag!
by Charlie_the_unicorn May 9, 2015
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1. (n.) vulgar slang for a used condom. This nomenclature has been widely used for decades.

2. (n.) One that is disgusting, disreputable or possessing of low-life characteristics.
1. David, you've got a pile of scumbags on your night table. How about getting rid of them? The aroma is about to make me puke my guts out!

2. Did I overhear someone talking about Jessie Sue's new boyfriend? I've known him for years. He's nothing but a cock-sucking, shit-eating scumbag.
by Rick Roberson March 2, 2009
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A person with no sense of propriety, decency or discretion.
He told her to blow him or else? What a scumbag!
by Jeff O. January 19, 2003
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A person of low judgement and no class.
At karls wedding, the scumbag (s) alex and brennan drank multiple beers in the basement. (being scumbags) scummin around in the basement.
by scumbag69 May 4, 2015
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