"Railroad Shitter": 1. a term used to refer to a person, usually East Indian, who is devoid of all indoor plumbing and must resort to using the adjacent railroad tracks to relieve their bowels.
<Scott> So Mark tells me that 50% of all people in India do not have indoor plumbing.
<Joel> Are you serious?!? What do they do when they need to take a shit?
<Scott> From what I hear, they typically take a shit on the railroad tracks.
<Scott/Joel> ... fucking shitters ...
by Duckhead May 31, 2013
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If you searched for these 2 letters then you're more then likely looking for definitions of runescape.
Well, here you go.

1. RS-ing - the act of playing runescape
2. abbreviation to refer to runescape
I was playing RS all night the other day, and i realised...I've wasted my life following this gay ass game.
by Betterman February 25, 2005
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An abbreviation for "Rape Suspect" used in Police terms to desribe the events in a crime scene.

In everday use, an RS would be someone that looks suspicious, untrustworthy, or a bit sketchy . Or it could be someone that sneakily follows people (thus making them RVs of the RS).

See also: RV
"Look at the RS following those kids"

"I smell an RS"
by Maloon April 30, 2006
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Abberviation for RuneScape, the massive online Java-based gamed by Jagex. It is not gay.. its cool.
bob:im getting rs today when will you be on?

jane:probably tomorrow
by bobie November 19, 2004
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An abbreviation for real smile, when messaging or talking to someone over chat it shows you like what they say and you are smiling.
by Tomb4573 December 7, 2011
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"Really Sir" RS can be said in its entirety, as its acronym, spelled out in American Sign Language, or if necessary, implied with a facial expression. A statement for all occasions when something "just isn't right"
Nicole: "RS?!?!"

Jibs: "I cant sext, I only have 2 fingers!"
Dariel: "RS?!?!"
by SirNicoleeeeeeeeeeee April 24, 2010
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Man! Somebody deleted my addition to wikipedia because it wasn't backed up by an RS.
by Amaranta20 September 14, 2007
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