(v.) to party, to do something crazy, to drink, smoke pot, shoot up, or indulge in any sort of illegal substance. the act of doing something worth remembering

(n.) Rosher - one who...(see Above, don't use while speaking of roshing at the same time, this makes them a double negative.)
Dude, its been a hard week, lets go rosh.

Talk about bein a rosher, he was passed for several hours.
by Maduin.420 November 8, 2004
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Rosh means head in Hebrew. Teenagers use it to mean blowjob. It can also mean money.
Ariel: when are you gonna GiveMe rosh?
Emma tying her hair up: right now

Bietler: give me rosh for sports.
by NSHAHS senior 19 January 11, 2019
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the act of felatio or head blow job it litterally is the hebrew word for head used regularly at youth jewish functions thorughout the country
damn girl that was some good rosh
give me some rosh bitch
by mama y he done call me dat August 24, 2008
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Bob: so what did you do last night
Billy: man my girl friend totally roshed me

Sally: hey girl whats up
Hilda: sorry can't talk i'm in the middle of roshing
by Hotttnesss April 15, 2008
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Kid thats annoying af and brags about getting girls but doesnt get anything but his pillow.
Yea i get girls everyday. -Rosh
by DankMemesV2 February 21, 2017
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a dumb stupid attention whore who makes everyone mad, but hes not ugly so its worse
ew hes such a rosh hope he dies
by ur lesbian dad July 22, 2018
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it's a word my girlfriend uses for tired.
Im so roshed.
by Anonymous August 24, 2003
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