Reem Is Meer Backwards. Meer of course being short for Meerkat an animal that shot to fame with the compare the market advertisements. When someone says they are smelling reem, looking reem or feeling reem they mean they wish to smell, look or feel like a meerkat would. Simples.
Looking Reem, Smellin Reem Feeling Reem. Being Reem.
by Potterintheturkey April 15, 2011
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To be cool/nice/sexy/hot/beautiful/good/amazing
You are so reem; She is looking reem
by Mr. Reemer April 27, 2011
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Chris: she's fit
Ryan: Yeah, so reem!
by KT123 April 13, 2011
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when it’s past 10:50 reem turns into bloody mary
by iloveyoureem January 31, 2022
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reem is a word used by the children from the south of england which is another word for awesome or sexy.
Hannah G: im so reem XD

Love You HannahG From KiraW your cousin:D <3
by Biebers Shawty <3 February 6, 2012
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Having a hang nose. A phallic nose resembling a mans penis 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥 a cockface hairy with large long curled toes found in the countryside under bridges. Also see: troll
She doesnt have a cute nose she has a reem
by Knownose August 20, 2022
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