No one's sure as to when satan went from a tough guy to a pussyboy, all we know is it happened.
by sum.fukn.dude February 26, 2022
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Pussyboy is a person that prefers having a rest with girls instead of doing some street shit with guys. Has a respect from women but is considered as a fool in the men communities
The first friend: Where is John?
The second friend: John is with that girl again. He's such a pussyboy
by gAnjey December 6, 2021
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A pussyboi is a male who is either extremely weak or effeminate
Piper: Cooper is such a pussyboi he just let someone steal his Cheetos
by Damn Ass Rock April 22, 2017
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some one is scared to fight someone
your a pussyboy.
by jack allan woods February 2, 2018
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1. A man with an excessive fascination with the female reproductive organ. Ofthen a criminal (a rapist).

2. A term used in prison to describe a pervert/rapist of females.
Hey pussyboy, you liked raping those bitches didn't you?
by DeanNJ March 17, 2007
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