Paranormal activity that happens to agents who suppress their emotions such as anger, mania, and anxiety. the agent moves objects subconsciously by PK or psychokinesis. It is a ghost but not one of a dead person. Parapsychologist debunked the fact that it is a "ghost" in the 1930s.
the poltergeist activity is caused by the agent's own mind
by Andrea M N August 30, 2008
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the act of ceasing all communication with a romantic interest (aka ghosting) but continuing to haunt their social media feeds.
Yeah, she ghosted me but she keeps poltergeisting my Instagram posts.
by DrVenkman June 5, 2015
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Essentially the opposite of a ghosty. This is when you take a shit and the outcome is a long ordeal where no faeces seem to disappear between wipes. Other characteristics of a poltergeist may include: extreme stench, earth shattering flatulence and a complete redecoration of the porcelain.
Ryan: Are you alright Louis?
Louis: Not really Ryan, I just banished a poltergeist


Jim: You might not want to go in there for a while boys, I just left a hideous poltergeist!


Kell: Fuck me my arm aches, was in there half an hour dealing with a poltergeist!
by _JC_ January 25, 2014
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Poltergeist means noisy ghost in german. Poltergeist usually move objects and opens doors etc. They are imprints left by humans
I heard that bobby has a poltergeist in his basement
by Mahinxosr June 10, 2017
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The act of engaging in doggy-style sex and having a friend come in the room and take your place without the girl knowing, you then walk outside a window where she can see you and wave happily at her.
"last night my brother and I pulled a poltergeist! You should have seen my mom's face!"
by pastafagioli May 18, 2010
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a word used to describe beings of a ghostly form. poltergeists have also been described as ghosts that have malicious intent tword beings in the mortal realm. while the definitions vary, every one describes something on the line of a ghost.
holy fuck! some mother fucking poltergeists! *shits pants*
by Skykid2good May 4, 2008
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When a television sucks you in
I was on vacation but never left the hotel room because the TV poltergeisted me.

by creatiffany July 11, 2008
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