After having way too much anal sex, the tissue between the inside of the intestines and vagina wears away. This causes interesting problems when a female urinates.

Also, may be used to describe horrible diarrhea that is 100% liquid.
That nasty anal porn star will piss a shit everytime she tries to pee.
by redyouch April 26, 2006
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An expression to be used when one it extremely upset at a situation and/or person.
Today my boss totally "pissed the shit" out of me .
by takethat. January 25, 2010
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When you go to the toilet and the person before you has left shit on the bowl that hasn’t flushed

So you proceed to piss the shit off
I went to the toilet earlier today and there was shit remains in the bowl

Piss the shit off
by Therandomone February 4, 2018
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Not only to be 'pissed'
Not only to be 'pissed as shit'
But to be 'fucking pissed as shit'
Not to be confused with 'Mother fucking pissed as shit'

Normally is caused by the lack of pussy grinding on your dick, going positive in call of duty or having homework on the weekend.
Broski 1: Hey dude whats up?
Broski 2: Nothing much just fucking pissed as shit...
Broski 1: Dude, how come?? whats wrong? (NO HOMO)
Broski 2: I was playing Call of Duty and I told my bitch to give me a rim job and she shot me down.
Broski 1: Dude....How aren't you mother fucking pissed as shit?
by TheMaskedddAvenger November 28, 2009
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When a male is standing at a toilet taking a fat leak, then realizes that he needs to deposit a fernece in the bowl as well. The man fluidly and simultaneously spin around and tucks his dick between his legs and sits on the toilet all before unleashing a hellstorm into the city waste management system.
Bro last night was crazy I took so much LSD that I had a personal record 360 Piss and Shit
by juckerafison December 18, 2020
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When you pee on your asshole while shitting to keep your turd cutter clean
Bro I gotta go piss n shit, Emily's coming over later to eat my ass so I need to clean up
by xcraft37 December 2, 2019
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