a noun used to identify a person for whom any other pet name is not suitable. when you have exhausted the use of baby, honey, lover, etc orange peel is what you have left.
by bammbammHEARTSpebbles January 3, 2009
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Meaning tight with money, selfish, unlikly to share with others.
Ben: "Paul can I have one of them sweets please?"
Paul: "Fuck off they're mine!"
Ben: "Tight fucker, you would peel an orange in your pocket!"
Paul: "Whatever"
by Ben Daniels December 14, 2006
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me:look at her orange peel!
dude:damn thats some orange shit!
by Jeff Carlow March 1, 2008
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Name of a smoothie shop with a double meaning: it is also code phrase for making out.
"Did you get any orange peel last night?"
by kissesfromjess December 29, 2010
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When a girl and a guy do it raw dog
Like a guy and a girl
by Mike December 15, 2003
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to generally be a tight ass mofo who would never share his biscuits with u or such items.
Scott: Can i have a biscuit please??

Philippe: No, i bought these biscuits. They're mine!!!

Scott: U tight mofo, i bet u can peel an orange in your pockets!!
by a disgruntled worker March 8, 2010
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