A cute person, used as a nickname to show affection
"oooh my lil brother is such a peanut.'
by Anti_Social October 2, 2005
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An inflamation of the inner ear that renders all conversation into indistinct 'wa's'
This class is giving me peanutitis; I feel like Charlie Brown talking to the teacher.

Don't ask me what was decided. In that meeting I got an acute case of peanutitis and couldn't make out anything.
by Okkam1 August 2, 2012
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1. A comic strip by Charles M. Schulz.

2. The food, peanuts, elephants apparently like eating them. Planters is a popular brand.

3. A petty offense.
1. Jim:"I'm just reading one of the classic Peanuts comic strips in today's newspaper."

2. Elephant:"I don't know what it is about them but these are delicious."

3. Billy Bob:"This is ridiculous, I got sentenced to 5 years in prison for stealing a stick of gum, I'm in here for peanuts. While drug users and violent criminals sometimes don't spend a single day in jail."
by Layko January 17, 2006
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Greatest comic strip ever, drawn by Charles M. Schultz. Debuts in its first publication on October 2, 1950 and remains popular until Schultz death on February 12, 2000. The strip had been going for over 50 years, and remains popular in newspapers, greeting cards, and other products. Any child growing up after the 1950's should know what Peanuts is. Movies have been made out of the strips, and two were instant classics. "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and "Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" are both classic seasonal videos.

Characters include: Anoopy, Charlie Brown, Woodstock, Marcie, Lucy, Linus, Schroder, Peppermint Patty, Sally, Pig-Pen,
Peanuts is the greatest comic ever. I wonder if Charlie Brown ever does manage to kick that football...
by S|\|00PY R0X05Z October 30, 2004
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A euphemism for the clitoris based on the observation that it resembles a small peanut. When properly stimulated by licking and/or caressing, Peanut likes to peek out from under her hoodie to say hello. It is the only known organ on a female animal that solely exists for pleasure. Peanut is also responsible for releasing lubricant in order to prepare her for vaginal stimulation. When properly stimulated, Peanut is also capable of multiple fuck-tactstic orgasms. These amazing experiences can occur over and over and over without end. O.M.G!

Sidebar: Peanut has recently discovered a secondary erogenous zone. In turn causing a “tri-fecta” when the g-spot is activated in tandem with primary and secondary Peanut(s).
“LaSarah achieved a trifectic orgasm in response to Jean’s mind blowing tongue talent”

“Although Sarah knew how to climax in multiple ways, she was enamored when Peanut revealed a second erogenous zone south of the main pleasure area of Peanut.”

“Damn Peanut! Your juice tastes amazing!!”
by The Peanut Pro October 30, 2020
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To grab the length of a person's tie, yank it down, and push the knot up as far as you can. This results in the victim struggling to breathe, and also makes it very difficult to undo the knot as it has become so small (hence the word "peanut"). Done mostly by school kids as a prank on each other.
...and then he peanutted me, so I kicked him in the balls.
by Atomik Spongeface July 12, 2008
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" Je -fa-fa dunHAM (dot com) " -Peanut
(( ))
by misstink21 March 16, 2010
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