Faithful to a person or a cause; firmly in alliance to somebody or something. Always there for somebody when they need you.
"Ladies, it's not fair to compare men to dogs. Men are not dogs; dogs are loyal. They never leave you, they're always there for you, and they can lick their own balls."
-Wanda Sykes on comparing men to dogs.

Abbie and Sam did not always agree as siblings, but Abbie's move from home to Yale and Sam's assistance reaffirmed the family's loyal bond.
by Lorelili July 30, 2011
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I can't believe how everything has changed. I did the best I could and in the long run I guess happy is not what I have been. But I keep trying every day but too much bad karma.But I'm old school say please and thank you, chew with mouth closed, hold open the door, listen, compliment. Make her feel like the most important thing to me. But it needs to go bolth ways communication is key.
I'm so loyal never cheet or disrespect my family.
by One shot May 27, 2017
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Loyall is a name of a boy who is out going, driven, and smart. Everyone wants to be around him because there is just something about him. His eyes pierce through you while his smile warms your soul. If you every meet a Loyall be proud because your in company with greatness.......
Girl : "Hey you know Loyall?"
Other Girl: "Who that tall chocolate boy?"
Girl: "Yeah!, well I'm going to marry him!"
by TwofacedD April 15, 2014
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one of the toughest cars in the world, among the ranks of volvo and tercel. Able to take a severe beating and still run with a blown head gasket, fried piston rings, and destroyed transmission gears after being overheated a few too many times and throughly abused with a large forklift.
"dude, my loyale burns a quart of oil every 2 miles but it still runs like a champ"
by fuckbag58 October 18, 2007
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1. faithful to one's sovereign, government, or state: a loyal subject.

2. faithful to one's oath, commitments, or obligations: to be loyal to a vow.

3. faithful to any leader, party, or cause, or to any person or thing conceived as deserving fidelity: a loyal friend.
Jason Rosemond is away serving time in the United States Navy, but his girlfriend Naila is remaining Loyal because she truly loves him.
by theperfectgirlfriend February 11, 2014
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