Misguided children who think that their life in the suburbs is too hard for them. So, they dress in black, refuse to listen to normal music, wear pants so tight that their testicles burst, slit their wrists, and log on to myspace. The world hates them and they hate the world and everything is so said boo-hoo. They will also lock themsleves up in their rooms and ask why their life in the suburb is so bad. Emosexual people aren't real, so don't be careful about what you say. They have no feelings, except sadness. You can beat the crap out of them and the only thing that would happen (besides your laughter) is their boo-hoos. Don't treat them normally or you will get an emo kid who thinks he is cool. Not good at all.
Emosexual #1: Hey look, I'm rich- let me slit my wrists!
Emosexual #2: Yeah everyone hates me. Boo-hoo.
by Justin P. McGee November 7, 2006
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to my knowledge the best definaition of emosexual would most definatly have to be aaron quisenberry, hes so emosexual!
like oh my god, aaron can wear a size zer, soooo emosexual!
by mama lover April 14, 2005
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One who is neither bi nor Gay but pretends to be in order to draw attention to ones self.
Emo: I love girls and boys!! Yay me, be my friend now?

normal person:stfu stop pretending you emosexual fool
by Tory A. February 2, 2008
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A sexual preference pretaining to androgenous looking individuals with long (possibly curley) hair, skin tight pants and shirts, an obsession with black or dull colored clothing, and who are excessivly sad or mopey.
Guy 1: Dude, look at all those emosexuals waiting on line to buy Twilight, what a bunch of tools.

Guy 2: I know, they should have just reserved their copy a month ago like I did.

Guy 1: What?!
by SnooksOnFire March 20, 2009
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Emo kids that can't have sex due to their overwhelming feelings of unhappiness.
Conner Oberst: "What's wrong dude?"

Chrise Carabba: "I'm sad because my girl dumped me because I was too sad to have sex with her"

Conner: "dude, emosexuality is a disease, you need help. I got help and now I'm not so sad, and I can get laid now."

Chris: "But, I just can't help it, I like being sad..."
by scott July 1, 2004
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Emosexual- Early to late teens who want to be different in the same way as others and still thinks sad black clothing is what it takes. They think they are hard done by when they are expected to do nothing more then basic requirements of schooling and society. “this is hard so its mean and I don’t want to do it so I won’t and I’m not going to tell you why cause you should know”
They are fucking lazy people that consider anything that requires any effort to be too hard even if it is to switch their brain on when they open their eyes in the morning. They have sex because someone else says they should regardless of who it is or who they are already with. No self respect or moral code including lack of honour, respect, or loyalty to anyone that isn’t as brain fucked as them.

I am Emosexual because I’m so sad that I can’t be bothered to try a smile. Being so sad makes me feel sad so I might fuck someone of the same sex then regret it so I can be sad for a reason and tell everyone that I’m no good so they can be sad for me but then I’m not different anymore…That makes me sad!, I might cut myself this time then get upset about the attention I get due to my attention seeking actions!!
by Dad of Emo May 7, 2007
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