A picture in which you can see you and nose
To take a nosie
by #nosie August 23, 2014
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When someone has a nosie their nose sticks out 3 inches or more.
by Mrs krolac January 19, 2010
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When someone means to type nosey but it is mispelled.
Person 1 : OMG you’re so nosy
Person 2: Nosey*
Person 1: * Death stare*
by Opinionater Xx November 12, 2018
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When your marijuana cigarette becomes to short to hold to your
lips, attach it to a roach clip. Then, hold it up to your nose and breath in through the nostrils.
"only a nuff doobie here for a nosie or two."
by jonnylogic December 8, 2007
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Adhara is such a nosy
by Etica February 25, 2008
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The behaviour of Charlini and Hamish
"Boy, Hamish and Charli are very nosy, I wish they'd stop looking at my computer screen," complained their teacher.
by JamDonut September 17, 2019
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A gossipy busybody that listens in on conversations, especially phone calls, that can’t keep their noz goin their own way.
“Wow! What a nosy nosway. Can’t she mind her business? Stop listening in on the party line. You are not in this convo

“Yeah! What a sweaty noz!”
by V Ferris May 15, 2021
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