Something you get from someone that is sexual or loving in nature.
This word is slang for an ACTION not a body part.
Sugar, action, hooking up, kissing, hugging, sexual activity, etc..
"I'm going home to get some nookie from my girl/boyfriend tonight."
by Tree September 11, 2003
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Gettin' some,making out, having sex, anything sexually related.
by Shelby December 11, 2004
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nooki is sex.... it is a much pleasent way to talk about it.
Bob.... i got some nooki from Mary last night...
by Hazzadedic May 9, 2006
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Nookie - A slang for Sexual Intercourse.
"I did it all for the Nookie." -Limp Bizkit

"I had one Hell of a Nookie last night."
by YasOrNas April 8, 2015
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A nooky: 1.a noob at all games especially among us and animal crossing. 2. an idiot in your class that says you have no friends when you have a lot of friends. 3. trump
1. guy 1: You are definatley a nooky at among us guy 2: ======(:::::::::::::::) W h A t??? 2. Kid who getting bullied by idiotic classmate: You are a nooky idiotic classmate: im really getting ****ed up...
by THE.PIKACHU.NOT January 17, 2021
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Word for any form of affection. Major nookie is everything up to and including sexual intercourse of any kind; minor nookie can be as minute as holding hands or giving a significant other googoo eyes.
I havn't gotten nookie in ages, but I'm hoping to when Sam takes me out to the movies next friday.
by Katy_Rea February 4, 2007
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