(n.) A persons who intelligence is at a lower caliber and proceeds to flaunt his idiocracy in an unappealing or inappropriate manor.
Person 1: I raped a cow.
Person 2: No you didn't. Shut up, you nincompoop.
by Crazy Worm February 19, 2008
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Trevor: What do you think to this whistleblower complaint means for Donald's presidency?

Desi: Trevor, this whole thing has me so mad, look if these allegations are all true then our president, forgive me for using the n word here is a complete nincompoop
by rocketeerstoned October 1, 2019
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A braindead self important little turd given an impressive
sounding job title to keep him blissfully ignorant of
the world shattering nefarious machinations of his
keepers.-derived from army slangnon-com short for non commissioned officer
Is G.W. is the antichrist or just a retardNincompoop?
by georgy reinecke August 25, 2006
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word to describe an already "dumb model".
that party i went this week-end was full of nincompoops
by wordligirl September 9, 2008
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A "stupid person" who isn't able to understand things as quickly as others.

Cannot go a minute with sneezing.
Bob:What is X+Y?
{All hands except Joey's go up}
Nina:Ha! Joey is such a nincompoop!
{Joey sneezes}
by NiceN0b0dy1 February 21, 2018
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