a sweet girl with a big heart. she always stands up for you, and she never goes down without a fight. a popular girl who could get any guy she wanted, because she’s is beautiful inside and out. never
goes out of style. a crackhead who always brings fun and life to a party. if you wanna go do something spontaneous, do it with nepheli. if you wanna go be crazy, do it with nepheli. if you wanna chill and make brownies, do it with nepheli. you’d be lucky to have a nepheli in your life, and if you don’t, you should definitely get one cause she is one of the best friends you can ever ask for. she’ll make your life a thousand times better and make you feel that way too. if you have a nepheli in your life, don’t be stupid and lose her, cause you’ll regret it.
a guy: damn she fineeeeeeee
another guy: oh she must be a nepheli
by charlizeharbb January 7, 2020
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Some of the Nephs (Dead Homies from the Hill District in Pittsburgh)

Black Boo, Tizzy, D, Ike, Bugaloo, Eddie, Harold, Phil, Delaney, Darius, Rodi Booth, Shitty I (Clarence), Ty Edwards, Kendre (Mad Circle), K-Dog, Dale Williams,
On the Nephs
by Nova25 December 24, 2009
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When someone tells a lie or is bullshitting.
Tom B - I’m 6 foot 1
Ellis J - Tom stop nephing
by GodlyTB61 March 10, 2020
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a word used generally when referring to any male. can be used in the place of "man", "son", "dude" and so on. But there should never be a "that" in front of neph, often people make this mistake.
This rule is like the a/an rule in enlish class. You might say "give me a apple" rather than the correct alternative "give me an apple", but you can't get away with saying something like "give me an dollar". This sounds stupid, as does "look at that neph".

*neph is the short version of nephew
1. Call the ambulance or sumthin, neph just got hit by a big ass truck.

2. Neph, you aight?

3. Neph, is very similar to dude, but unlike dude, one shouldn't say sumthin like "i know that neph"...it just doesn't sound right. Just say "i know neph". One should also avoid saying things like "which neph" as a response, just say "who?" or sumthin like "Neph, who the fuck you talkin bout?"

4. Neph not as patient as I am, John tried to cock block (see cock blockin/cock blocking) when he was about to hit that chic off, and he just beat John ass yo!

5. Yo son, look at neph in the spandex.
by FooGe March 26, 2004
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to neph,
to run around at a gig sreaming the lyrics to the songs,
aggitating the rest of the audience that are all too frigid to come forward as there are three youths at the front nephing.
"So, what did you do at the weekend?"

"We went to see Linda's Nephew and nephed it right up! It was WELL good!"

"Nice one"


"This is enough example now"

"Yes, yes it is."
by Guy Broaddick March 3, 2008
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awesome, tall, super funny, pretty, cool girl thT you should most definitely buy nitro for. she loves invader zim, and they are gir irl. it’s true.
NEPH is awesome!”

we love neph
“neph is the best”
by nepheloids November 22, 2021
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A piece of fecal matter clinging to ones anal hair; A dingleberry.
Man, when i wiped my ass this morning, I ripped out a huge nepheli.
by Timmyturner2000 February 28, 2011
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