With your fingers open as wide as you can and the first knuckle of your fingers and thumb slightly bent so as to expose your fine ass bitch nail did, raise your arm straight up over your head and then dramtically bend your elbow so that your hand drops below your head while simultaneously throwing the opposite hip out as far as you can. When you feel that your waist is about to implode jerk your head forward with a buck toothed spasm in your mouth and allow your elbow to come forward followed by your hand. As the palm of your hand strikes the face in a downward motion, be sure to rake the findernails across the eyes, nose and mouth of the intended target.
Low-Qwee-Shawn-Tay got to steppin' up on that skank ass ho who was ribbin' it out front of Booba Stank's Grill on Fifth and Howard, you know, the one with the plastic weave and the six toes? Well anyways Big Boi's babies momma commenced to hit that rib slurpin' bitch with the mother of all bitch slaps. When she was done it looked like somebody had added ketchup to that bitch's Barbeque Sauce!
by I Seen It Live... February 20, 2007
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phrase said in the dramatic final boss fight in metal gear rising revengence.

if you want an expected outcome you shouldn't focus on the in-between.
if i wants huge ōmleht i must go through with force. don't care about egg shells, makes my dish healthy.

1) start here
2) this part is not important
3) you have a giant nuke to send towards Russia and made the USA anarchist.

Raiden: 🤨 🗿" you're not greedy, YOUR BATSHIT INAAASEE!!!!"
by comrade susi wolf July 29, 2022
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Saddam Hussains reply to the threat of invasion by coalition forces during the first Gulf war.
In reality when faced with large forces that had a superior technological adavantage his military reply was more akin to that of an elderly aunt with alzheimers.
The phrase has found it's way into everyday use.
1. Saddam Hussain's reply to the coaltion's ultimatum was that 'if any army set foot in Iraq that they could expect the mother of all battle's'.

2. If you don't get your finger out you are going to get the mother of all bollockings from the boss.

3. Are you going round to Geordie's tonight? they say he is going to throw the mother of all parties.
by Blue Cawdrey November 26, 2004
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