Mercedes is a true meaning of a unique girl. You will never meet any other that will compare to her originality. She is amazingly hot with a tight frame and a phat ass, has her own style with intelligence and common sense that makes you want to talk with her for hours. A true friend that you can call at 3:37am and she'll answer. Likes to go fast (litterally) and she will be the one driving. Don't think about pushing your agenda on this girl, she has her own morals and goals buried deep in the rocks and no pick up line is going to shake that, even though it may make her laugh. Pretty much don't fuck with her, she can kick your ass. Mercedes may want to rob a bank in the morning and go fishing in the afternoon, better come prepared. She is strong-willed but compasoniate and has many sides...when she wants you to see them.

Fall for Mercedes at your own risk, how fast are you willing to go?
That girl just got her ass kicked by Mercedes for talking shit!

Hey, you have to meet this girl, she is so Mercedes I never met anyone like her before!

Damn, I wish my girlfriend was a Mercedes.

I just couldn't help myself, she was so Mercedes I fell in love.

strong pretty competitive caring friend music goal-oriented funny charming unique perfection
by A fan of Mercedes! November 21, 2011
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the best girl ever and she is never afirad to mess with her. she is the best person ever.she will always get what she wants and that is a happy ending. only one guy will impress her she is the best thing ever.never break her heart and never hurt her feelings.she will never forget you and you should never forget her.
girl 1:hey mercdes you are the best friend ever.

Mercedes:thanls you are the best friend ever.
by Isabel garza March 1, 2018
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Mercedes - an awesome girl with a twisted sense of humour. Mercedes is a great friend, incredibly smart, extremely original and sweet as candy. She'll patiently listen to you bitch forever, try to reassure you and make you laugh.
She's a great Sudoku player and an even better word-makeuper. Mercedes has the most refreshing and honest laughter you've ever heard, even if she snorts a bit here and there.

Things to do with Mercedes:
1. go on man-killing sprees
2. dance with
3. eat candy with
4. and much much more

Synonyms for Mercedes:
1. sweevil
2. adorkable
3. cunning linguist
You know Sheila's kitten got run over by a truck? She was just so devastated till Jenny came over and pulled a Mercedes on her.
by you know damn well who i am February 14, 2009
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Mercedes is a all around good person . Pretty in the face, with a fat ass that makes the world go round . She never starts shit, but will end it automatic . You don't wanna fuck with a Mercedes, even though most boys do . She's that insane friend who would do just about anything dangerous, but she has your back through hell and back . She knows how to have a good time , and is usually the life of the party .
yo man Mercedes was gonna drive us off a cliff . That chick is fucking crazy
by # killah December 26, 2016
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really pretty.
loves to race/ride.
really easy to get along with.
loyal to others
Mercedes that girl
by Ashleyy Nicole. January 21, 2009
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probably the most sophisticated name out there. girls named mercedes hate being compared to the car and are completely unique. they don't take shit from anybody and know how to hold their own. they're usually strong but have their weaknesses like evryone else. they always know how to have fun and bring out the best in people.
by Xshe_knows91 July 21, 2009
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1. hot and expensive car
2. hot and expensive girl
3. hot and expensive girl in a hot and expensive car
that chicks 'mercedes'
by Elle and Tin June 11, 2006
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