an old english saying originating from essex used often to described homosexual males
king: have a gander once at that scally wag!
squire: bit luke markey if you ask i my lord
he like it right up the luke markey
by sir edmond grant (historian) October 3, 2007
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A little bitch boy who is four feet tall and thinks he is funnier than he truly is. You can tell that he is near from the smell of garbage a mile away, and always finds a way to make you feel sad, no matter what.
Oh no, here comes David Markey Quinn. I can already feel the grief overflowing in my veins.
by Bingbongnotowen April 28, 2018
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A tik toker that post things about Danganronpa: Despair Time and simps for Ace
#1 Ace Markey Lover is Pwrincesa's best friend!!
by pwrincesa August 30, 2023
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Markeise is the best and he fine. Nobody else name spelled like his either. Markeise is real nice and sweet and he not a cheater he always be nice to his bae he put his bae before everybody.
Markeise Crush: Girl Markeise just hugged me I feel so special.

Her Friend: He prolly like u because he always smiling at u with his fine dimples.
by Chickhere November 29, 2018
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A stuck up lil asshole who is also kinda cute in a way that when you have a boyfriend you break up with him just for Markeise he is a bad lil child who has a big dick although sometimes he could act like a big dick.
by Bitch.face April 5, 2018
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Ace Markey is a FICTIONAL Danganronpa: Despair Time character.
pwrincesa loves Ace Markey
by pwrincesa August 30, 2023
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