A derogatory sound used to emasculate any blatant attempts to show off through anecdotes or other verbal communication. However, most people who do show off through long boring anecdotes fail to realise this mocking gesture, which allows the word to be used with impunity. For full effect it must be said in an exaggerated upper-class accent.
"... and after that we went to Harrods for tea and I tipped the waitress £30 and she gave me a wink and her number."
"Ooooh, marb."
by James C April 16, 2007
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basically its poop. shit.etc..

you can say marb as a secret code name when you don't want people to know you have to use the bathroom.
"OMG Charly I have to marb really bad"

"Tiara please! That marb was terrible!"

"Do you have to marb?"
by Tee-vic, Charly February 24, 2010
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Fabmanx' and TFS' bitch. Expert at cocksucking and sandwich position. Proficient at handjobs.
"Fabmanx, you will carry the frontal assault on the island of Clitoris. TFS, you will lead the assault on the back woods through the jungles of Rectum. Oh, and one more thing, TFS, those pulsating, nasty chunks are called shit turds, chemical warfare, no doubt. Use caution, the bitch doesnt wipe her ass very well, Godspeed.
by Kian October 21, 2004
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short for Marlboro red's, probobley one of the worlds most popular cigarete brand
hey man can you pick me up a pack of marb red's?
by Volslang May 20, 2005
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Literally the sweetest and most genuine person you could ever meet! Their heart is made of gold, and they can brighten a room with a single smile or word. They are the biggest sweethearts you'll ever meet, and if they are in a bad mood they don't let that affect how they treat you! Their best-friends are some of the most luckiest people in the whole wide world, and if you meet a Marbels be sure to keep them close because their hearts are going to hold you in it forever and they will never do anything to hurt you because they cherish everyone! She's someone out of a fantasy, and you better believe she'll keep you close because she absolute adores everyone she meets, and everyone she is in contact with loves her to the moon and back a thousand times!
Gir 1l: Hey, have you seen Marb around today?

Girl 2: Yeah, she was cheering up her friend earlier? She hasn't left her side, and that's what we all love about Marb. Her contagious happiness, and that kind of energy!

Boy 1: She really is something different, huh..

Girl 1: Totally, she has a huge heart of gold, and she loves everyone no matter what.
by yourladylilith August 14, 2020
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