olivias been malding a lot lately bc of her boyfriend
by brooklyn sparks December 23, 2019
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Malding is a condition originating from Uganda, where the patient zero was found (circa) 1990. It is often described as the human version of molding. Certain tobacco products like Snus are said to enhance the effects of malding.

It is characterized by the victims baldness, lack of skill and anger issues. Subjects of the condition are also said to have decorated their room with self portraits and paintings of things that make them feel uneasy.
"so mald, so bald"

"Why doesnt he back off when i hit him twice? Fucking RNG man"
by Sauha_ June 4, 2019
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mald/malding, is when a situation is making you mad and bald at the same time.
"This game is making me mald!"
by RyuRenyama June 14, 2019
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Mald means:
a player who is having a hard time with a game“
“Someone who is mad and balding
Person 1: UGH I CANT WIN :(
Person 2: Mald
by HamAJPW November 14, 2021
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Someone who is mad that they are bad at a game. Also can refer to someone who is bald and mad, but that is the literal term.
He just lost, he must be malding!
Damn he sucks, he’s so mald!
by gigantyczny czad May 3, 2022
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When someone is so mad they start losing their hair, a contraction of mad and balding.
Did you see that stream last night? Chudlogic destroyed Lordofpatriarchy so hard he started literally malding. Lost his last 5 hairs.
by El Mao April 24, 2020
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