to be real cool or chill, similiar to high without weed
Man, I hit such a Keanu yesterday.
by FourTwenty420420 November 22, 2010
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a Handsome boy also Athletic sweet Husband material Baby daddy Material also nd tall.
I like your name reminds me of the movie Keanu
by 14Shadesof.Mee December 20, 2016
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having a really blank look on your face, and not showing any emotion.
"That kid sitting on the couch over there looks so keanu."
"Yeah I don't think he knows anyone here he's probably really bored."
by Scraw April 14, 2009
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1. A good actor
2. Does have emotion.
Why dont u just leave Keanu Reeves alone? Dipshit urself, u spending ur time dissing ppl, what losers!
by jacky March 11, 2004
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