The Iceman is a legend on the east coast, though his name was made for himself in New Jersey. In an unsuccessful attempt to impress a girl, he attempted to "freeze" a plate of hot fries. This act donned him the name, "THE ICEMAN", and his legacy will live on for eternity.
"Whos that kid with no game?"
"umm..i think they call him, 'The Iceman'."
by the girl he creeped on April 29, 2008
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Verb. The action of walking up to someone with their hands full and swiftly throwing one arm down in order to open-hand slap whatever they have in their hands down to the ground. One often yells "ICEMAN!" While carrying out this action.
I was walking to class and some prick iceman'ed my books! Triggered.
by KGBigelow August 22, 2017
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An electric guitar manufactured by Ibanez.
The Iceman has a very high-pitched noise.
by eSouth April 3, 2005
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Someone who views women as possessions, who uses them in one night stands and then moves onto his next unsuspecting victim with an alarming rate of success.
by Browno August 26, 2006
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the act of cumming on your chest then rubbing it on your self, once this is done your lay in the snow until it freezes.
that guy last night got drunk and performed the iceman
by TyTy eiseman July 25, 2011
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a person who runs around NAKED in the SNOW for hours at a time without being phased by it. he also has an enormous penis which is not shrunk AT ALL by the ice cold snow. an iceman is very brave and will do almost anything. an iceman is rarely seen with clothes on. he is great with the ladies.
the iceman slid into home plate naked in the snow at 2 in the morning.
by iceman49 October 7, 2008
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Possibly the 2nd greatest nickname in the whole world after "President"
ICEMAN Chambers - Undisputed
LT. Tom "Iceman" Kazansky - TOPGUN
Ötzi the Iceman - well-preserved natural mummy of a man who lived about 5,300 years ago
Alan Warriner "The Iceman" - DARTS (sport)
by inspire62 September 26, 2010
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