A popular term that members of ineptly ruled/managed societies/people like to use to elicit guilt -- and thus, more importantly, donations -- from members of competently ruled/managed societies/people. This bellyaching guilt trip is not confined solely to international communication, however, and is often parroted intranationally (oddly enough, almost exclusively by folks who could stand to miss a meal).
"<Hunger is> what you feel when you dont eat...
the crisis facing the rest of the world...but you wouldnt know if you are american."

"For just $.70 a day -- the price of a coffee! -- you can ensure that <click>gubu <whistle> fafa <click> is fed, and has medicine; won't you call us?"
by F(r)iend January 24, 2007
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1. A need or compelling desire of food.
2. (proper noun). "The Hunger" - cannibalistic tendencies and an unyielding urge for human flesh and blood, often experienced by Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, and Wendigos
1. "I had such a hunger yesterday, but I couldn't find any food in my house."
2. Tom: "Ever since Johnny got infected by that virus, he has had the Hunger.
Johnny: "BRAAAAINNS!!!"
by dmaca August 23, 2009
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a level of hungriness that comes after Hungry, and before starving.
Im getting pretty hungers, we should go eat.
by word1891 April 28, 2011
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what you feel when you dont eat...
the crisis facing the rest of the world...but you wouldnt know if you are american.
850 million people in the world go to bed hungry everday.
by fat white overfed american November 9, 2004
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the feeling of something imaginary ripping at the inside of your stomach which one learns to ignore and proceed with the day
hmm i had hunger but oh well it doesnt matter
by myname June 12, 2003
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How one becomes a cannibal. When you get one taste, of delicious delicious human meat, and nothing else satisfies you ever again for the rest of your life.
Dea Reynolds - "No. No Charley, this is not right; I still have the craving."
Charlie Kelly- "I do too; I have it even worse than before I think."
Dea- "Something really weird is happening to me."
Charlie - "I know what's going on. Frank fed us human meat, and we got The Hunger."
by IASIP January 26, 2018
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shell hunger — unnecessary death caused by the lack of sufficient ammunition in the midst of a fire fight.
Before Ukrainians die of starvation or cold weather, many good men women and children will die of shell hunger if we don’t give that country the weapons it needs. ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY, BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler February 24, 2023
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