When your about to win Uno and someone changes the color
UNO HOEZ dang it why you change the color
by Name please November 23, 2019
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A term that appears in a shitty ass chief keef song, means "chief Sosa likes fat dick"
Guy 1: I got some hoez and ozs
Guy2: yeah I like dick too
by Ian, the creator November 1, 2013
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Any wayz, or used when dropping a subject.Also puting emphasis on the word hoe in a conversation when a hoe walks by, is a way of calling someone a hoe, without actually saying to them.
"Man we were gonna get high last night but we couldnt find any kill, But N-E- Hoez, WHERES THE WEED AT MAN?????"

"Ya fool were gonna get blowed after school" (hoe walks by, looking at them dirty say) "Well n-e HOEZ!!!!!!"

by Mz. Ashli Vela March 21, 2007
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An expression, native to playas, to describe their activities. Origins: early 21st century, possibly a combination of the songs "Bumpin' Me Against The Wall" and "Hit 'em Up Style."
"Bump Up Sum Hoez! Bump Up Sum Hoez!"
by danq58 January 14, 2008
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Alternate spelling of “your gay hoes” but in street slang often used in texts.
I love all of ur gae hoez
by Anon274 August 15, 2022
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someone who thinks cute or wants you but wont tell you anything.
anonymous person 1; i want you

girl 1; oh
anonymous person 2; your so freakin cute

girl 1; thanks

girl 2; your have hoezz
by hoez ;) May 9, 2020
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