Some dumb person decided to wake me up while I was sleeping pleasantly and so for the rest of the day I was down right grunchie!
by Ella Marie Balsamo January 20, 2009
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Synonyms: Unhappy, grouchy, crabby, grumpy, unpleasant.
Antonyms: Serene, pleasant, happy, joyful, content, cheery.
"The old man was grunchy all the time" "stop being so grunchy, what's the big deal?"
by Taylor Makinley Palmer December 11, 2021
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something that is both crunchy and gross.
ew, have you see callmecarson? hes so grunchy..”
by autotheibsking August 14, 2021
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Grunchy music is Grungy southern rock and country music combined and twisted hard to form a new genre of alternative country music. A dirty mix of badass, make you do bad things... but take you to church all at the same time music.
The TC3 tore up the stage and brought the house down with their Grunchy music.
by Cinelynnie August 12, 2017
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