The collective noun for a group of three or more young women, typically caucasian, who exhibit two or more of the following traits;
Fall attire
Pumpkin spice anything
Yoga pants
A need to laugh in unison, loudly
"Shit, this store was quiet until that glitter of girls walked in here. I bet they haven't even been to the gym today."
by kittenkeeper November 9, 2017
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A magical substance that shames any serious person found with it on. A perfect weapon to use on bosses who have just sacked you. Turns wampires into meyerpires.
"Dammit, Steve threw glitter on me and now I have to walk around looking like an idiot all day!"
"Harsh. That stuff doesn't come off, man."
by The Magnificent Mr. Crane December 22, 2009
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The sparkly stuff Ke$ha's obsessed with singing about and putting on face. Also thrown around everywhere in the "Take It Off" video and what Katy Perry sang in her song "Last Friday Night." Can be used to throw in your enemies' eyes and make a dazzling getaway.
Ex. 1: "There's a place I know
If you're looking for a show.
Where they go hardcore
And there's glitter on the floor."

Ex. 2: wtf is with Ke$ha and glitter

Ex. 3: Sane Kid: "I don't trust them."
Ke$ha: "It's okay, I have glitter."
Sane Kid: "Why?"
Ke$ha: "I always have glitter. For my face. It also tastes like chicken. I stole it from a pixie!"
Formerly Sane Kid: "Oh. Okay."
by PhenomenalDrummer September 19, 2010
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Using a coupon on something it's not intended for. Also known in the coupon world as balanced couponing; FRAUD.
M bitches and I went glittering today! We bought 24 packs of crayons with our shampoo coupons!
by ThatsNotHowThisWorks May 16, 2016
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British slang word for asshole/anus/rectum. this rhyming slang is derived from "gary glitter" the British 70's rocker. gary glitter rhymes with shitter which is another slang word for asshole. Glitter has the advantage of being able to be used in front of parents/teachers etc.
"he was taken up the glitter"
by coolmarcellus October 2, 2004
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