"Getting house" is a colloquial term referring to a type of applause that occurs during a musical performance, especially an exhibition of jazz music. The musicians work to build incredible intensity, or other various, clever emotional connections to their audience, and when overcome by feelings of joy and appreciation, members may immediately and briefly clap, whistle or shout, to show their feelings of appreciation to the musician or musicians performing on stage. This type of display is inappropriate in various other settings, such as performances of traditional classical music.
"The sax player is playing a swingin' solo, and I'm glad he's really getting house!"
by whooa April 10, 2006
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To have a great relationship with someone quickly.
" I was worried when my boyfriend and father met for the first time. However, they got along like a house on fire because they both like watching football and playing poker."

A: Do you like your new roommate?
B: Yeah! We get along like a house on fire! We both like the same things and we are both clean people!
by SamyTuca November 7, 2013
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A way to excuse oneself from conversation when one needs to take a shit; discretely referencing the color of President Obama and his family.
Eight-Foot Cock in Sunglasses: "Whoops, excuse me gents - I'm getting paged by the White House."
Pussy McGee: "I don't get it."
Thirty-Pound Satchel: "He babysits the Obama girls. He's gotta drop 'em off at the pool."
Pussy McGee: "That is some seriously subtle racism."
Thirty-Pound Satchel: "And how."
by John, A Goat from Space February 7, 2011
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Getting Housed is when you go to the hospital during a bad trip and they kick your door down and take all your shit
"I just got done getting housed by Merrifield Crisis Center who ransacked my shit and stole $100,000 worth of consumants that were supposed to last me until I was 50."
by Codey Neal October 13, 2019
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It's what you tell you're Homie when they're in public doin the most and people are starting to wonder.
I told my home boy to "get in tha house"before he got the cops called;outside doin the most in the parking lot.
by Shineyy March 9, 2020
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Something ive said with the right to quiet enjoyment and as only leased tenant and why im killing the world.
I said "Get out of my house!"
by Cody5050 May 19, 2023
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