French for "seal".
French guy:Je voix un fuk!
by TheBurninator January 14, 2004
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Wut da fuk dat speld rong
by Laser Money June 29, 2016
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either you think its bad to say fuck so you say it without actally saying it but your typing it anyway so whats the difference, say it or dont. If this isnt the reason then your just to god damn lazy to type the letter c. or its not a fag reason like this and everyone should just stop asuming your gay like that cause really that key on your keyboard or what ever the hell your typing with is really just broken so fuck off, there happy i said it, i said fuck so fuck you all damn it.
Fuk that stupid letter on my fuking keyboard is going razy again i an't stand when my omputers keyborad does this rap.
by Matt111 January 6, 2008
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When one is owned in such a manner that there is no time for the letter "c" in their declaration of the word "fuck."
redmike14: Bomb-Punch!
greenjim22: FUK!
*redmike14 has defeated greenjim22. +15exp
*redmike14 has defeated himself. -15exp
by N3B November 18, 2005
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One word that is edited by abbreviated hacker language It can, of course, be used in all the different grammatical forms, including:
Fuk:v. to fuck, adj. used in frustation
Fukin:adj. EX: i hate this fukin school
Fuked:v. to do someone, adj. despair
Fuker:n. someone that you really dislike
A Question: Wanna kno my fukin name
by Midwestrn Soldier October 18, 2004
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Abbreviation for IRC channel (usually caps: "FUK")

A bastion of Britishness in the face of the joint assault of AOL lamers and "cheating euro cunt0rs".

(Full of work shy layabouts.)
Get FUKed.
FUK head.
by April 22, 2003
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1.) A funny misspelling of the word fuck

2.) Illiterate people spell fuck like this because they are to lazy to take another second out of their life to add a c.

3.) To bypass word filters that block swearing.

Person 1: Hi, how are you?
Person 2: Terrible, this punk just told me to fuk off.
Person 2: *fuck
Person 1: Haha.

2.) u r a prik fuk off u bastard

3.) Google Search: Cee Lo Green Fuck You lyrics
*ACCESS DENIED: BAD LANGUAGE/The word "fuck" has been filtered because Google Safesearch is active.*
Google Search: Cee Lo Green Fuk You lyrics
About 722,000 results.
by Noslen August 11, 2012
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