A clothing company that once used to be original, now fixated on copying a popular brand's design, using it as their own, and renaming it.
EXAMPLE: Nike Air Force One = Fubu SD2
EXAMPLE: Timberland 6" = Fubu Thug II
by FubuSucks April 1, 2005
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means fuck buddy or someone you can fuck
that chick is my fubu, can you be my fubu
by daddy mac September 26, 2006
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when i was growing up in the seventies, we used that word like fubar, to mean "fucked up beyond use". makes me laugh everytime I see some mindless label whore sporting it.
"that car is fubu, man, just junk it"
by schnoggi July 11, 2005
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yo yo yo, i don't know what fubu means but that sheeit is dope, rhymes with soap. damn, my pants are fallin' down like I wanna be fucked in the ass by my cellmate.
by malinguist March 4, 2010
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1) When something that fake its In its own leauge
"Check out my new jay's"

" fuck outta here them shits fubu"
by JDADDY97 September 11, 2015
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(Melbourne Australia Shaolin context)
wannabe black tryhard kids on the streets of down under. Usually from middle class upbringings. It's not the fact that they wear FUBU, but rather the manner in which they wear it.
by Mikey C-izzle July 17, 2003
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