An innocent sweet girl at first sight but not what you imagine in bed. She is flirty and sexy by all definitions. She is secretly sexy and hot underneath the sheets. She's lovable and beautiful. She's fun to be around everyone loves Frida. One would be crazy not to have Frida in their life she's the most sweetest, prettiest, and funniest girl you'll ever meet.
I just love Frida.

You need a Frida in your life.
If it's not Frida I don't want her.
by Gerald3793 March 14, 2017
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an adorable girl, who likes parties, drinkin' & quite enjoys drugs. a girl who deserves alot more than the shit shes been through. she may talk to lots of guys becuase she is a bubbly person but only loves one guy. she usally has a nice body but a beautiful heart thats just waiting to be loved. a EXTREAMLY FUN PERSON, thats is down for anything. she dosent trust alot, so you'll have to gain her trust.
girl- look its frida.
by rey100 July 2, 2011
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frida is a kind silly and loving girl. she thinks everyone is better then her even tho she is she is the best!

by hihello52 May 11, 2020
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Very cute girl that likes tequila. You can say that's a really frida when you see a hot girl
"If she can drink tequila, she's a real frida!"
by Tilallll January 26, 2009
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1) A beatiful girl that deserves more than the shit has been thrown her way.

2) A girl that drink tequila all night long and likes little mexican midgets.
1) Wow, Frida is a wonderful girl. I long for her.

2) Guy 1: Look at that girl!
Guy 2: Yeah, she's definitely a Frida.
by Ricky Booby654 March 25, 2009
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A breathtaking girl with a smile that can light up any room. Fridas have been through some rough shit and always make dumb mistakes. Fridas flirt with a couple guys and treat them all like boyfreinds. Fridas often have brown hair and come from Hispanic families. When Fridas are happy it makes everyone happy, but when they're mad it scares the crap out of everyone. Fridas are so beautiful it can make any person's gaw drop.
I think im in love with her.
Oh, you mean Frida?
by R.Penelope.Sophia May 11, 2019
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She is an amazing, beautiful, smart and funny girl, she also is very barrio and can navajearte if she wants to. She is interesting and makes you laugh as hard as she can hit you in the face, she is special and unique.
hey, do you know frida-
-yes, she almost punch me in the face, she wild tho
by hosty February 28, 2018
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