Fows = Slang for 4's, which are 24's, that means 24 inch wheels, preferably chrome.
Damn, That N*gga got sum shiny fows on his ride.
by A-2-tha-G September 20, 2008
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FOW. Short for 'fuck off weirdo'. Usually about someone who is clearly foaming at the mouth.
Good, Taibrel has left the guild. FOW.
by Lucko June 5, 2007
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I would take you home and shag you darlin, but I'm afraid I can't because you're fuckin fow!
by DCI Gene Hunt September 21, 2008
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by M. MITWES February 23, 2011
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combination of fuck and ow screamed out when in mixed company (as when with children, grandparents, teachers, etc.)
(Jude stubs toe on desk)

Jude: F-ow! Motherf----fow! That hurt. Ow-wee!
by Moolder December 14, 2007
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used as "in your face!"--(Expresses Excitment)
"man, i just got fucked!" (Expresses Anger)
used to express defeat
I'm Gonna Kick Your Ass, Fow Fow.

*I just won a $1000 bet with you. "Fow! Fow!"

*Waking up in the morning and not remembering what you did last night, remember WHAT YOU DID last night! "Fow! Fow!"
by Kahm Broham March 2, 2006
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A misspelling of the word “foe,” meaning enemy, opponent, bad guy. Unless preceded by Willem da, in which case it depends on the movie.
The new battle cry struck fear into the hearts of fows and stuck.

(Quote source: A high ranking definition of Blargh on Urban Dictionary dated November 22, 2004)
by Firstperson Narrator March 20, 2020
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