five in the goo and five in the poo!

^ fist in the pussy and a fist in the ass
i gave a girl a five and five last weekend.
now shes wearin a diaper
by TripleNickle April 12, 2006
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Verb -- Freaking out or tripping on drugs, usually psychadelic mushrooms or hallucenogens.. Inspired by the song "Five-Five-Five," by Frank Zappa. The instrumentals tend to inspire people to take drugs. Once in a state of inebriation, the maddening guitar riffs of "Five-Five-Five" make Phish look like O'Dweeds compared to the wicked buzz you cop from Frank's Fiver. Which is ironic, because Frank Zappa was very much against drugs.

Also simply referred to as Fiving, rolling with Frank's bunch, or 2F.
"Yeah, man, I was totally Five-Five-Fiving it last night with Frank's bunch. Had like, fifty mushrooms and some beer, man. It was like getting a year's worth of pussy in four minutes. Uh... what was I talkin' about, man?"

"No way! You were 2F without me, man!? Dude, I so hate you now! Just kididng, brah."
by DeusExMagna November 20, 2005
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Taking someone to school in the art of foos by scoring on five consecutive shots -- the more variety the better. This is especially effective when done in the context of a booking, or when capped by a money shot.
Ain't nothing like going five-for-five against Pooch, nearly putting his eye out with the money shot.
by nickonov June 29, 2005
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a term used in the military to say everything is in order. another way of saying squared away or ship shape.
"Is everything in order?"
"Everything is five by five"
by rickysayshi January 1, 2009
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A tool used among friends to retain possession of a certain seat. As the name suggest, fives only works for five minutes. After standing up from his chair, the person announces "fives", and then can freely do what he needed to, and when he returns no one is allowed to take his seat during his absence.

Powerful foe of, "you move your feet, you loose your seat."
Rudolf: I need to pee, fives.

==four minutes later==

Rudolf: Get your ass out of my seat.
Schwartz: No Way!
Rudolf: I called fives, schmuck.
Schwartz: ... arr, you got me this time.
by The Legendary Ironwood March 27, 2005
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The cutest lil bean. Can (and might) actually kill you. Can jump through space and time. He jumped, but he never acorned. Looks 13, but is actually 58. Loves black coffee and Dolores. Don’t fuck with him.
Person 1:“Oh you know Five?”
Person 2:“Yeah”
by dumb hoe 1234 April 17, 2019
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Putting in some money toward the purchase of an item or items. Usually indicates a willingness to contribute $5 on a $20 bag of weed.
"I'm about to see Joe to pick that got five on it?
by Big Daddy TJ April 27, 2006
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