When you have flaming diahhrea (usually brought on by eating Taco Bell or mexican food in general) and immediately after, you puke.
"Man, I shouldn't have eaten that burrito earlier, I just had a fire drill."
by reaver77 March 22, 2010
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When you are about to leave some place or go into a public place and you need to get rid of a beer or other alcoholic beverage quickly. You pass it around to the whole group and pound it.
Dude, we're almost at the gate, let's Fire Drill.
by Owlcoholic December 29, 2005
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A tool kept at schools the staff uses to drill flaming holes in the heads of students.
"That's it. It's the fire drill for you, Mr.Peterson."
by Pete August 21, 2003
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A dance game in which the guys will form a circle and grind with whichever girl is in front of him. After a few minutes, the drill captain will count down, "Five, four, three, two, one!" Then the girls will move to the right and grind with a new partner.
"I had fun doing the fire drill last night, except when I got stuck with that creepy foreign exchange student."
by Priskila October 19, 2008
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The real intent of the Fire Drill is to prepare the students of Fairfax High School for a real fire (i.e. people setting trash cans on fire). But it in reality, its just a social hour.
I didn't do my chemistry homework, but thanks to the fire drill, my teacher didn't have time to check.
by IrishRepublicanArmy December 12, 2003
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an "important" drill that your school makes you do but during this drill you can do things like you get out of class for a few minutes what can beat that also you can talk with some friends, smoke a cigarette, fuck around with your girlfriend or blaze up a dimebag in the janitors closet.
"hey man during that fire drill i just lit a blunt in the cafeteria had a snack and a drink in just five minutes while you were on that useless drill"
by stormtrooper501 October 16, 2009
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When gingers engage in vigorous sexual intercourse.
I can't believe that you let that guy that looks like Conan O'Brien fire drill you the other night!
by gazebo12 April 26, 2012
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