To mean the level of how someone is feeling. It can mean both good and bad depending on the way it is said.
"I'm feeling fabby!!!!" said enthusiastically to mean feeling very good.
by Kimmie August 21, 2004
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A phrase indicating fabulous fun, in an activity or hobby.
'' Thanks for inviting me you party it was fabulous fun Fabbi Fun Isabelle.''
by Gunthom April 18, 2011
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Something really amazing or when you are so happy nothing could upset you. Not even a sibling.
person 1: did you see Alex Turner at the concert lat night?
person 2: hell yeah! I feel so fabby dabby superlicious!
by calmmosher6676 August 29, 2009
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A title for an attractive mature woman or MILF from a foreign country who is not too familiar with the native language and is easy to trick into having sex by comforting them. They usually have a very tight, sweet tasting pussy by definiton, hence "Loon N Fabby" for loony as in different, yet still fabulous.
Natalia from Russia suddenly moved to the United States to live with distant family when her parents died. At the airport a "gentleman" named Stephen offered her help in finding her luggage. Since she was uncomfortable she quickly became friends with this kind stranger. Things rolled quickly and before you know it, things were loon n fabby for both of them.
by Wu Zi Mu August 1, 2006
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When you constantly tell your amazing girlfriend you’re fat or you’re chubby and she keeps getting mad and makes you take it back so you have to make up your own word to describe yourself. A word that she doesn’t know the definition of and it’s really just a mix of the two words
Bf: Babe, I’m fat.
Gf: Take it back.
Bf: Fine. I’m not fat. I’m chubby.
Gf: Take it back.
Bf: Uggghhhh. Fiiiiiine. I’m fabby.
Gf: What does that mean?
Bf: Oh don’t worry about it
by Ligma Gems November 22, 2018
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Fabbi is a nickname for the beautiful name Fabienne, Fabbi has a really nice body and all the boys wants to touch her ass. She is often called a hoe by other girls because she is very good in bed. She is a hoe and sleeps with everybody But she is bothered by that.
Boy 1: I had Fabbi deepthroating yesterday
Boy 2: Oh, I already had her twice, she is the best hoe ever
by canadiansingernotjustin October 16, 2017
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