Evergreening: To accidentally block or hinder progress via unintentional blockade.
Hey Bob did you catch the latest Evergreening?
No,what now?
Whole on ramp this time.
by Gas-Giant January 28, 2022
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A condition stemming from profuse marijuana use. Equivalent to a marijuana "hangover." Also referred to as "the Coniferous Disease"
We smoked a zone last night, and this morning I had a severe case of evergreen.

by Morgan Witt January 8, 2008
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As in always has greenbacks (money) a guy that has money. A guy that never has to think about money because he has soo much of it!!!
I like to date evergreens./////////////////////////////////////// //////////// //////////////// ////////////// //////////////////////
He's an evergreen.
by catcee September 12, 2013
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Evergreen: to display childlike imbecility although one is an adult. Usually associated with social justice warrior behavior.

Named after Evergreen state college.
The students of insert sjw inspired university are acting Evergreen.

If those students keep Evergreening, we'll just shut this place down and go home.

Oh great, ANTIFA just showed up. They're going to Evergreen any moment now.
by Derpy567 November 23, 2019
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Code name of Nadia Santos (Sydney little sister in the television series Alias)
Syd (To nadia during a mission): Evergreen, you cannot proceed without comms.
by ariSai August 26, 2007
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A post or comment made a while ago that bites the original poster in the ass. Trump is a prime example, complaining about President Obama’s golfing and then golfing more than Tiger Woods after being falsely elected.
Here’s another evergreen tweet from Trump that contradicts the things he pretends to stand for
by girlnarly September 18, 2020
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To become stupidly or amusingly stuck
Wow, these shoes are tight... I've really evergreened my feet in there


My girlfriend and I were playing with a glass bottle in bed and unfortunately I had to attend the hospital after I evergreened it
by iamnotjl March 30, 2021
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