A more appropriate name for emo boy, an emo bitch is a male who lost his testicles when he hit puberty. As a result, he is girlier than any normal girl and can be seen applying excessive amounts of makeup, crying when someone steps on an "innocent" spider, and bitching for no reason what-so-ever.

Emo bitch is typically used in reference to males who can be labelled as emo rather than females because the mass of a female's metaphorical balls exceed the mass of an emo bitch's cojones.
Ordinary Dude 1: Hey, wanna go to the mall to beat up emo bitches and watch them cry?

Ordinary Dude 2: Hell yea!
by FalseLobster June 27, 2007
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all emo bitches are some fuckin wrist slitin, black wearing, non-alcohol drinking, lound music listening, death wishin, noose wearin, rain jumpin, top of your lungs screamin, punk posin, sad fakin, no hope havin, death clock readin, derogatory, grass is greener on the other side sayin, fucked up brain havin, russian roulette playin, suicide tryin, bridge jumpin, garage band playin, simple plan listenin, "don't know what it's like" singing, bumper sticker sportin, throat slashin, no friend havin, hermit livin, crack smokin, not fittin in cuz you don't know what's best for you livin, scar sportin, buttoned back pack wearin, devil worshipping, good for nothin, corner sittin, glass is half empty lookin, whiney guitar playin, web cam livin, social parastite, depressed, grabastic piece of amphibian shit, i would kill you myself, but your worhtless shitty life is not worthy of my 14 hole Doc Martin, which the brains of your fuckin skull would be stained upon, plus, you'll probably just off yourself next week anyways, or at least try.

Have a great fuckin day.
Cheer up, emo bitch, your middle class life can't suck that bad, try being in Iraq for a year.
by A Punk and A Thug June 2, 2006
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A girl who looks emo but is not.
She over there is an emo "bitch" lets go fuck her.
by iThink January 28, 2008
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when a emo chick makes drama where there should'nt be any and gos on about how their lifes suck. (god thats shits annoying)
1:"Tracys being such a fuckin emo bitch"

2:"yeah, just think of the children in Darfur"

1:"....fuck Africa, i hope they fucking starve!"
by Jesse Rahl February 10, 2008
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an Emo bitch is anyone that refers to people that don't like/understand/care about emo music or the "scene" as f/14 or any other obscure EMO BITCH jargon that is "universally" know and understood, but is in actuallity obscure and unknown except by said EMO BITCH. see also: DOUCHE BAGS
cool dude: emo is music fags like to listen to in the dark while they cry and cut themselves.

Emo Bitch aka DOUCH BUNG HOLE: way to label people and things you don't know about, you F/14. I'm gonna go cry cause no one undersands me. Anyone have a knife?

SEE:irony you fucking idiot. labels are bad so you label people that label you right back? Here is a label: you are a fucking douche.
by Joe Blowski September 3, 2006
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Girls mainly named derya that act like depressed bitches in order to gain self space. To cure this asshole disease you have to suck their pussy or cuddle them
Emo bitches= "Your acting like a derya"
by Depressed wierdos August 29, 2018
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a pussy that writes and listens to emo music
Matt Oneil is such an emo bitch
by Kung Fu Pooie January 7, 2005
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