A male who thinks they are the shit and has big balls. (my friend Gynn (pronounced Gin) came up with the definition one sunny after noon after school when I was driving her home. My other two friends AL and Benn were witteneses.
The egotestical rapper sang a song about why he was hott. (song: This is why I'm Hot by Mims)
by Shmeig February 21, 2007
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A person who think they're better than everyone because they have big balls.
by NuclearKärring March 22, 2017
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Grace: He was constantly talking about his massive dick
Radha: Gosh he sounds so egotestical
by Queen of VG March 23, 2022
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When someone who's self centered (egotistic) is an absolute dick about it.
Man, Jack Falcon is so self centered and is such a dick about it. He's egotestical!
by AuraAcorn March 4, 2021
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