When your jaw goes all ways after taking ecstasy.
Vicky Pattison has an eccy jaw
by Smithtin December 2, 2015
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When you take so much ecstasy you end up with a permanent hunch back, much like Quasimodo.
“That Craig guy has such an Eccy back.”
by Muzzering July 10, 2019
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Somebody who takes great delight in consuming ecstasy - which is sometimes shortened to "Eccy". Eccy Crunchers can usually be seen wandering around nightclubs with dilated pupils and eyes wide open. It is unlikely that an Eccy Cruncher would make in intellectual conversation
"See those boys over there? They're all eccy crunchers"
by arms86 March 7, 2010
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The act of placing an ecstacy tablet in the anal cavity and proceeding to drop to the floor with force as to make the tablet enter the anus. Guaranteed 15% extra buzz!
Done a pure eccy bum drop last night and was heavy off my tits man. WILD!!
by ZEDMAN + JIEHAWK February 21, 2014
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