In the middle of nowhere,USA.
In the country.
A place that's not so easy to get to.
She lives WAY out east in Long Island, it's like the middle of East Bubbafuck.

-He lives in Jersey.
-What part?
-I dunno, some part of West Bubbafuck somewhere out there.
by 4 June 19, 2004
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When someone who's not even from a city starts preaching about the value systems of people who are. Hypocrites usually go on one.
The girl (Lindsay) was on an east west crusade/jihad, and wanted to get other people to adopt her preachings against the value systems of one group, while playing all groups. She thought being born at a hospital in a city made her from a city (since there were no hospitals in her town), then told other people not to look for loopholes like the double-standard living hypocrite she really was.
by Solid Mantis August 30, 2019
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