One who has dropped out of school. These types of people will not get very far in life.
Look at that dropout. Had he gone to school for 12 years, despite the boredom of it, he would have a real job and would be contributing to society.
by gs68 August 24, 2004
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Someone who believes one's self to be too cool for school, and expresses that notion through meticulous attention paid to one's own appearance. One who wishes all others to believe that he or she is infinitely cooler than they, and thus should not be required to attend school sessions, even though those days have long since past.
Philadelphia is no better than NYC. You go hang out with your wang out watching a band rawk out and you can't hear over the dropout next to you having a chinwag with one of his other scenester friends. Probably about accessories.
by Skelewhore March 31, 2005
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1. In music: an audible stutter, click or pop during playback.
2. In education: one who fails to complete an educational path.

3. In drugs: To consume a psychedelic, generally LSD. (also, drop)
4. In education: to give up studying at an educational institution. (written: drop out)


1. "Dude, there's a dropout at 13 seconds. Fix it, you useless hippie salad shooter"

2. "Hey, man. Are you trying to nail that dropout from down the block? Dude, sticking it in that thing is riskier than a suicide wank!"

3. "Yo, you guys look fucking chinked! When did you dropout?"

4. "Shit, bro. I gotta drop out of school. Need more time to work on my screwvenir collection."
by HaK November 25, 2013
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A college dropout without a degree, yet is typically more intelligent, wise and wealthier than their college graduated peers. The term became popular after millionaire dropout JetSetFly launched The Dropout Degree Show and it became a top 10 podcast on iTunes.
Jon: I don't need college to get a job. Why am I even here?
JoeySendz: yeah bro, screw this lets get our dropout degree and become millionaire dropouts.
Jon: Alright bet, lets do it... im tryna leave the jetset life anyways.
JoeySendz: lets go baby its the jet set way
by piaheza September 30, 2022
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Someone with a dropout degree that became a millionaire.
The most famous millionaire dropouts with no degree are Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Josh King Madrid (JetSetFly), Steve Jobs and Travis Kalanick
by piaheza September 30, 2022
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Rapper Kanye Wests debut album, Hip Hops finest album... Has changed the style of hip hop... 'The College Dropout' an instant hip hop classic.
The College Dropout Consists of -

1. Intro
2. We Dont Care
3. Graduation Day
4. All Falls Down
5. I'll Fly Away
6. Spaceship
7. Jesus Walks
8. Never Let Me Down
9. Get Em' High
10. Workout Plan
11. The New Workout Pan
12. Slow Jamz
13. Breathe In Breathe Out
14. School Spirit Skit 1
15. School Spirit
16. School Spirit Skit 2
17. Lil Jimmy Skit
18. Two Words
19. Through The Wire
20. Family Business
21. Last Call
by GJT March 13, 2006
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a slap on the hand to indicate that someone has asked a stupid question.
Where do babies come from?

Thats a stupid question. DROPOUT!

Man! (Slap on hand)
by Ray Villarreal March 14, 2008
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