An annoying bitch who always feels like every insignificant problem in her day is a disaster of Hurricane Katrina proportions. Anyone who so much as gives her the time of day is in for an endless session of hearing why her boyfriend is such an asshole or how she's fat because she can't wear size 0 jeans along with an allday crying marathon.

If you value your sanity avoid these psychic vampires like the clap or you'll never have a minute's peace.
My ex girlfriend is such a drama queen.
by DennisIsEvil September 22, 2006
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1. a syndrome in which a person who enjoys drama.

2. a person who likes to stir up trouble and then act above it all. While talking about it in detail to EVERYONE.

3. the biggest sufferers of this syndrome are usually in denial and think that it is actually you who is the dramatic. Be careful.

4. posting definitions of 'important' words is also a symptom.
A drama queen will accuse others of the malady while creating drama in discussions with multiple people about someone Else's dramatic tendencies. Denial a strong factor in this behavior.
by Critical Dramatist November 9, 2011
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A person who has developed a habit of speaking, texting, acting and thinking like life is like a movie out of the Drama genre. Usually for attention or compensation for an extremely normal life with a normal amount of drama in it. Sometimes claims that there is "too much drama" and more than likely will tell someone that that "don't like drama" when they first get to know them. Might include excessive amounts of repeating periods in their sentences.
"I just... just can't deal with all this drama. My life is so... so dramatic."

General daily flip outs about "drama" in their lives

Drama Queen
by That One Guy 34 July 9, 2013
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Someone who does not stop until you react. Someone who feeds off of attention. Instigating fights and/or arguments is what brings them peace and they usually know just what to say in order to bring these about.
Too upset to think of one at the moment as I've just recently been attacked by a "Drama Queen"
by opeth54 December 21, 2011
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someone who exaggerates or emphasize their emotions
Diane is a real drama queen she can make a mountain out of a mole hill.
by Gerard Irick August 26, 2009
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A girl you DON'T wanna be friends with. She's mean, dramatic, and is always overreacting. She'll make you think you're friends, but she drop you like that once you do one thing she doesn't like. Then she'll tell you she wants to be friends again, and the talk crap behind your back! Do not, I said DO NOT, be a drama queen or be friends with one. They'll make you regret it. Make the wise choice and be friends with a humble person. That decision, you won't regret.
You: So, did you go on your date with (Person's name here)
Drama Queen: You know I broke up with him! It's like your not even my friend!
*3 Weeks Later*
Drama Queen: Wanna be friends again (Your name here)
You: Sorry, I'm friends with (Persons name here)
by redpanda1111 March 28, 2019
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A girl who boo hoo's and ba ha's about all the shit in her life that's going on claiming "Too much drama" but in reality brings it all on herself.
Deana is such a fucking drama queen.
by LaDeena June 4, 2006
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