A person who believes that Osama bin Ladin was not killed, and that President Obama announced he was dead to increase his approval ratings.
When birthers were given the proof they so vehemently hoped didn't exist, deathers were soon born.
by dysfam May 2, 2011
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Somebody who doesn't believe that Osama Bin Laden is really dead, that Barack Obama fabricated the entire thing for publicity or to take everyones mind off his birth certificate. Very similar to a birther, who doesn't believe that Barack Obama was born in this country.
Man A: Fuck, did you see the news? Osama Bin Laden is dead!

Man B: Like hell he is, Obama just tells us that to make us think he's the greatest president.

Man A: Wow, you deather conspiracy theorist.
by Famous Frank May 2, 2011
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One who demands to see evidence that proves the death of Osama bin Laden.
Bob used to be a "birther". But he was miserable after Obama produced his long-form birth certificate because he had nothing on which to prop a baseless attack. Now he is happy again, he has become a "deather".
by tellinItLikeItIs2011 May 2, 2011
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Person who refuses to believe that Osama bin Laden is dead until the White House releases his long-form death certificate.
After Obama released his birth certificate, Donald Trump began to lead the first wave of deathers in demanding that bin Laden's death certificate be released.
by mizbrunette May 2, 2011
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Noun. One who contends that Osama bin Laden is not really dead. They believe this to be evinced by the fact that his body was disposed of in the ocean, as well as the fact that Obama did not release pictures of the corpse. Frequently, these are the same sorts of people who were 'birthers', claiming Obama's birth certificate was a phony.
I can't believe those stupid freaking deathers don't understand the many reasons why releasing pictures of bin Laden's bloody body would be a bad idea.
by pandoranoid May 22, 2011
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In the sense of "birther" or "truther", this conspiracy theorist believes that Osama bin Laden in not dead and that his death has been faked.
that one paranoid guy at Starbucks who thinks Obama is hiding bin Laden at Area 51, Bush blew the levee, Cheney bombed the Towers, JFK was killed by CIA and the moon landing was faked
"...and try to release DNA to confirm the claim. That can be doctored!! Then they tossed the body in the ocean! And they said he was in the compound for six years...why did they wait? Was he dead? No! Is he dead now? No, Obama is hiding him in a freezer and waited for the right time...!"
(under breath) "Deather."
by Mario McAleffen May 5, 2011
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Someone who is quite old or advanced in age enough to focus on their death more than their oldness.

To be used against old ageists and others who fail to progress mindsets.
"Don't listen to that near-deather, he doesn't know where or when he is."

"That neardeather over there is dragging me down."

"Those near deathers over their are watching their stocks again."
by mattanaw July 21, 2021
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