part of the womans body where you will find a crease (the vagina)
swanton: Hey boys, yall get any crease tonight?
boys:uh. yeah dad...?
by sniwed June 17, 2007
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A word used by utter twats that do not know how to speak English.
Dave: "I was creasing last night"

Bill: "You're a cunt."
by ratedr98 February 24, 2013
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To get punched resulting in a K.O. or unconciousness.
Naw man. I didnt see him get creased
by suck_my_test_tickles7 October 7, 2010
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A British slang term for the phrase 'Laughing' usually written with more than one g, used primarily among the lower class, who can't speak. Nobody really knows how this phrase originated, but here is my theory.

One day, a youth in a hoodie was sitting at the back of the bus with his hat backwards (we'll call him Stev). His friend was scrolling through his phone, when he noticed a funny video, it made him laugh so much that he folded in half and fell onto the floor. This reminded Stev of a paper plane he made earlier that day, he remembered how the paper folded in half and how he was creasing it to make it fly better. Stev, comparing the folding of paper to the folding of his friend, and with the word crease in his head, suddenly cried. "Yo, how funny was that vid mate? You're like, creasing" His friend thought that the phrase 'creasing' was pretty good, so told his friends about it, who told their friends and their friends, until the word was so popular, chavs used it on a daily basis. This is how creasing became the word we know of today.
Chav 1: "Mate that was so funny! I'm creasing."

Chav 2: I know right mate!
by TheNHS April 1, 2015
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New York's hottest club. Club promoter, Tranny Oakley, has gone all out. Inside is just everything: lights, psychos, ferbies, screaming babies in Mozart wigs, sunburnt drifters with soap-scum beards..
I went clubbing at Crease with Stefon last night. It was insane.
by newyorkpartygoer13 May 23, 2011
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A fold in a flexible material such as paper, clothing, or skin, which most often leaves, on one side a depression, and on the other a protrusion. These are essential to the making of paper airplanes.
I put a MAD crease in that paper plane FOO!
by Jacob Bocem Kent October 7, 2007
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vb. To strongly alienate, annoy, or otherwise irritate.
Havin' your boys ask you to do shit they've gotta do, but are too damn lazy to not do so, just fucking creases me.

Tim: Hey bro, did you phone up James for the flex tomorrow?
Alex: I've tried, but the man hangs up every damn time! He's fucking creasin' me.

Ron Paul haters crease me.
by lilvillin18 January 23, 2012
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