the intentional recruitment of random strangers into the Reddit community on boring Mondays.
We crappled a random Twitter user on a boring Monday and now his is our King for a day.
by Funkoma January 11, 2011
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Dude I almost crapped myself because I was so crappled last night.
by ittybittytittycomittee May 9, 2010
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Another name for Apple, who makes the worst computers ever made except for word-processing (which my old 66 MHZ can do) and graphic design. Tries to lure newbies in by making flashy colors, but then craps on their heads.
Bob: Hey, want to play Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy?

Jake: No, my mom bought me a crApple. It doesn't support any games!

Bob: That's teh sux0rz!
by Froggyliciousness February 8, 2004
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A term for an Apple computer by those who do not like them because they are not good.
I can't believe Judy bought a Crapple when PC's are so much better.
by Trent Kuver December 20, 2008
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A crapple is the result of a sliced apple being left out for an extended period of time. The crapple is characterized (but not limited to) a dark yellowish-brown inside.
After I sliced my apple I went and did a few chores only to come back and find it had become a crapple!
by MickSwaggger March 9, 2009
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A non-alcoholic drink made from 3 quarters cranberry and 1 quarter orange juice.
You fill the glass to an average level with cranberry, then you pour the orange juice, which will ist in the cranberry.
The 'Crapple' is oven mistaken for cranberry and apple juice but it is a misnomer
Bartender: What would you like to drink?
Customer: A Crapple, please.
Bartender: A cranberry and apple juice?
Customer: No a cranberry and orange juice.
by _._._spacekid_._._ February 19, 2018
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