Slang term for an organ of the body found only on males and Lady-boys, most know as the testicles.
Look schon Daddies got his coin purse caught in the spokes of his bicycle again. I shall have to get the doctor to give me a quick shuffty to sort it out.
by wuddawhist December 1, 2013
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For example, female masturbation can be termed "ticking the old coin purse!"
by DCEskimo06 October 9, 2008
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The shape of a male's private parts when he tucks his dick in between his legs, creating a male-gina; note the "coin purse look" effect
That dude just tucked his dick in between his legs, creating a mangina- it looks like a coin purse!
by Phurthur91 January 18, 2012
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(noun) Slang. A woman's vagina, pussy, coochie, etc.
"She likes getting her coin purse cleaned out" (She likes receiving oral sex.)
by Wikkid/Bobby Eaton December 30, 2006
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A vagina. Gets its name for the way it opens up, and because women often carry actual coin purses.
"Dude, you know I made that coin purse jingle!"
by Lemlngwlnx December 19, 2006
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A slang word for the Vagina. The reason for this due to the fact that vag tastes like you are sticking your tongue inside of a coin coin purse.
Yo Blase, last night I ate some chick out and I swear I swallowed two nickels and a quarter, shit was a straight coin purse.
by Hitler Loved 69ing February 27, 2015
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Also known as a pocket pussy, the term "a coin purse" comes from if the chance ever arises when your pocket pussy is publicly displayed, you say "Hey, thats my coin purse, I just slip my change in that slit there." This term can be broadened to just a vagina too.
At the airport the other day, I got randomly screened, and I had to empty my pockets, and out came my pocket pussy. After an awkward stare from the security guards, I coughed and said, "Oh, it's a coin purse. Thanks for finding it."
by Teh Dr. Evil September 1, 2006
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