Popular soft drink, also known as cola, complete with frozen water.
Waiter: What can I get you sir?

Customer: Cock and ass for my friend here, but I vood like some cock with no ass, i dont like the ass and cock in my mouth at the same time.

Waiter: Certainly sir, would you like the diet variety?

Customer: No! I like only the fat cock! Diet cock is for vimps!
by Black Bandana June 14, 2006
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A term that must be said with a lot of emphasis and therefore must be written in capital letters to show this.

Is another term for anal sex or a description of something that's bad.
1. "I was engaging in acts last night such as: drinking, smoking and COCK IN ASS."

2. This day has been nothing but a load of COCK IN ASS.
by BallBagBaggins February 6, 2010
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Raging insult thrown at K.G. by Jack Black of Tenacious D after K.G. insulted J.B.'s Inward Singing idea.
by Scott B. August 23, 2003
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One is called a cock-ass upon finding out information regarding his male stupidity. We proceed to tie the male in question to a board, and ram a rooster up his ass. From this day henceforth, he shall be rudely awakened at sunrise.
"Daniel is a cock-ass for telling me he was not ready for a relationship, until he found someone else that is."
by Chloe June 29, 2004
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someone whom has a cock in there ass!
what do you get if you put a cock and an ass together? you, ya fucken cock ass!
by nick r t September 19, 2006
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