(n.) -a filler word

can mean anything you want
Usually used to say yes.

does not mean to shut up
(cannot be used in place of the word no)
Chris: You wana chill tonight?
by arl2490 January 1, 2009
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Aye, you got any chup for my wiener?
by Chuppin June 10, 2021
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Abbreviation for ketchup, can also be used as an insult or threat.
Person 1: I got chup on my pants!

Person 2: Serves you right, chup boy

Person 1: Say that again and I'll chup you
by breadconjurer March 2, 2020
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To shut ones mouth as demanded by another.Used especially well when someone is talking out of their ass. For added effect it goes well in almost a sing-song type usage.

chup-chup-chup your mouth, chupchupchup your mouth!
Hey greg you don't know anything so chup boy!

For the sing-song usage just drag out the U and bring it up an octave in the middle, then back down at the end: chuuuuuUUUUuuuuuuup.
by Tucson Down February 26, 2006
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The soft, wet & repetitive sounds made while:
1. Eating a delicious ass.
2. Having a wank.
You could hear the gentle chupping of his foreskin through the long distance walkie-talkie... he had forgotten to turn his transmitter off.
by SamScrute March 31, 2020
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A slang word for ketchup with sexual annotations.
Hey baby, want some of this chup?
by McCrongle December 10, 2018
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